There are important signs that your computer has been hacked
There are important signs that your computer has been hacked and your data has been stolen. What should I do? Learn the easiest way to protect your computer from hackers.
Cyber-attacks have become a very popular problem recently,
making everyone worry about protecting their data. To prevent your passwords or
other important data from being stolen, you need to be aware of any changes you
make to your computer
What should you do?
• Warn your friends and others you email that your computer
has been hacked. Tell them not to open any of your messages or click any of
your links.
• Notify your bank of a possible data breach. Learn how to
protect your funds.
• Remove all unknown programs and those you cannot start.
• Install a reliable antivirus program and scan your system.
Some companies make trial versions.
• Change passwords for all accounts.
• If you still feel that the problem is not resolved,
consult a specialist.